The Road Less Written
Writers helping writers on the path to excellence
And so, it has been. And so, too, it will remain. Through my life, unto death, and for the unfurling of eons beyond. Rainier, vast and massive observer of fidelity and betrayals; of sprigs and blooms; of the lives of things so small and ephemeral that you could argue...
The Kind(Indifference)ness of Strangers
Last week, while in San Francisco for a writers conference, I was walking with my young daughter on Geary Street near Mason, not far from Union Square, when I noticed him: a towering, disheveled member of the city’s vast legion of homeless people, keeping pace behind...
When Being Gross Just Isn’t Enough
It was 1993, and the name Lorena Bobbitt single-handedly drove the sales of flower bouquets through the roof. Sultry alligator wrestler-turned-attorney general Janet Reno ordered the deadly raid on the Branch Davidian Religious Sect in Waco, Texas. And the whirring,...
How to Prepare for the November Writing Challenges
Guest Post by Jo Linsdell Just as the calendar year winds down, three November writing challenges help writers jump-start their creativity. You can choose between NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), WNFIN (Write Nonfiction in November) aka NaNonFiWritMo...
Why I Write What I Write
As part of The National Day On Writing, via the #WhyIWrite Twitter meme, writers express why they’re willing—even anxious—to confront empty pages. Fellow writers’ 140 –character insight into what drives them makes inspiring, thought-provoking reading. You’ll notice...
Blogging or Podcasting?
You may have noted that TRLW writers have literally been on a road less written for a few weeks. Hopefully, we've been conspicuous by out absence. Laura took a month to travel and John is taking a couple of months to change day-jobs and move across the country. ...
Visualization isn’t just visual
The term “visualization” is a misnomer. And so is "visual aids." Visualization isn’t just visual and visual aids aren’t just for speakers. The more my writing life intermingles with my speaking life, the more the lines between the two skill sets blur. (See How Public...
Advertising Makes KDP worth It
In spite of all the complaints you hear out there, Amazon's KDP select may still be worth it. And as the title suggests, that’s for one reason – advertising. I’ve played with ads for my books on Goodreads and Facebook, but the success has been unimpressive. Amazon,...
How Public Speaking Can Make You a Better Writer
Want to become a better writer? Try speaking. Speakers, of course, often go about things differently than writers when communicating. However, the more public speaking I do, the more insight I get into my writing. I find more parallels than differences. In fact, I'm...
Chasing the Ghost: The Compulsion to Create
Last week, I turned 42. In a society as age-centric as our own, you’d think I’d be freaking out about it. After all, the half-century mark is creeping ever closer. The faint etchings of age around my eyes are slowly becoming fault lines. And the old knee injuries of...
Signing with a Publisher
It's been about two weeks now since I signed with my first fiction book publishing contract, and now I am preparing to possibly sign with a publisher for one of my non-fiction books. It is an exciting time, and I want to bring up some considerations for others at this...
Choosing a Website Building Platform: How to Find the right Fit
How do you know what the best website building platform is best for your blog and author site? For most of us traveling down the road less written, blogging and developing a website is a necessity. For many, choosing a website building platform—learning about them and...